CATASTROPHE, A NEW comedy created by and starring Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney, started on Channel 4 last night.
The show follows an Irish woman, Sharon, and an American guy, Rob, who meet on a night out and proceed to have a weeklong fling. All is dandy when he returns to America until he receives a phone call informing him that she’s pregnant.
What ensues is an utterly charming and frequently hilarious half-hour of comedy.
If you didn’t tune in, you sure as hell missed out.
1. Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney are properly hilarious
Anyone who has watched Pulling or Dead Boss is already aware of how big a genius Sharon Horgan is.
Ditto for anyone who follows Rob Delaney on Twitter.
Therefore, it makes sense that their talents combined equate to an unstoppable comedy force.
2. Things like this happen
Because who among us doesn’t have a “Cathal Coppers” saved on our phone.
3. Curse words are thrown around fairly liberally
Namely, the ‘c’ word, which is employed to wonderful effect in the first episode.
That’s all we’ll say.
4. Maggie from Extras is in it…
And she plays a smug wagon.
5. It’s not your typical pregnancy show
Horgan’s character is seen complaining about swollen feet, agonising over whether or not to have a cigarette and drinking a glass of wine after she finds out she’s pregnant. There’s even a “non-cancer” scare. You know, things that normal people deal with.
How refreshing.
6. Did we mention that it has a very high belly laugh ratio?
Like, really high.
Need we say anymore?
Missed it? The first episode of Catastrophe will be repeated on Channel 4 this Friday at 11.05pm and is available to watch on 4OD now.